Engaging our young people
While our Grow Disciples resource has been created with confirmation in mind it can also be used as a youth ministry tool. With engaging lessons, activities and resources included, you will find Grow Disciples can have a much wider reach than you first imagined.
If you are looking for some Bible study ideas or event suggestions for your youth group. Look no further than Grow Disciples. Beyond the Being Lutheran module, often used for Confirmation, Grow Disciples includes four additional themes.
God’s Big Story
This module includes four sessions. It outlines God’s big story and helps young people consider how it is connected to their lives and how their own story is part of God’s big story. The trajectory of creation, fall and redemption is the blueprint for this module.
The Old Testament
Tells the story of how God’s plan for redemption began and played out with the people of Israel. This module teaches us how to be God’s people, it shows us that God is faithful, and paves the way for Jesus as our ultimate high priest and redeemer.
The Story of Jesus
Jesus is the key to understanding God’s big story. This module tells the story of Jesus from his birth to his ascension. It will help young people understand how Jesus fulfilled the promises God gave in the Old Testament. It will also help young people see how Jesus is how we have life, hope and salvation.
The New Testament
This module picks up where The Story of Jesus leaves off, giving young people an understanding of the early church. It explores the church from its inception with the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Young people will see how the church and its people are the plan for redemption given by God until Jesus returns. This will be a springboard for students to think about themselves as an integral part of the church.
All up there are 37 possible themes you could use as a small group Bible study or as part of a larger event. Each theme is designed to help build a relationship as well as provide content that relates to the current life situations of young people. While they might make more sense as a theme, each session could stand alone.
Check out some of the samples here…
- Introduction to God's Big Story
- Introduction to Story of Jesus
- Introduction to Being Lutheran
- How to use the modules
Grow Disciples is an exciting and important shift in our focus on ministry with children and young people. Grow Ministries has studied the best contemporary research, combined it with experience in local ministry settings and brought them together. The renewed emphasis on lifelong intergenerational discipleship will serve us well in nurturing community and personal faith in meaningful, practical, and Christ-centered ways. | Former Bishop John Henderson
If you would like to learn more about the work of Grow Ministries or our guiding principles, you can find out about them HERE. You can also contact the team at Grow Ministries by emailing growministries@lca.org.au and a member of our team will contact you.