The world is constantly changing, there’s no denying it. One of the most significant changes is the ability to connect across the country, across continents, across the world. We can share our thoughts, opinion and faith across the world with ease. But with this incredible technology comes the pressures to be constantly connected as we… Read more
Grow Kids is a new resource designed to help you as you help to ‘grow kids’ in knowing Jesus and responding to his love through worship and service. Designed as a teaching curriculum, Grow Kids offers opportunities to tailor sessions to suit your audience. Menu items will help to provide your group with the best… Read more
Bringing God into every day life through conversations
RESOURCE HIGHLIGHT – TALK TIME CARDS Children and young people need to hear the stories of faith from their fathers, mothers, grandparents, brothers, sisters, neighbours, and friends. Adults also need to hear the stories of those younger than themselves. Designed to provide opportunities for parents and other adults to have conversations with children about God’s… Read more
Intergenerational Confirmation – one church’s journey
Intergenerational Confirmation – one church’s journey to involve the whole congregation in faith formation. One of the deep desires when embarking on a traditional program like Confirmation is that it will simply be the vehicle to bring people to a deeper and closer relationship with Jesus. The program is the catalyst to allow God’s love… Read more
Forming faith fully
I was a keen cyclist as a child. I loved the freedom of being able to ride around the suburbs and see my friends. Later on, cycling became a necessity as I rode to school, and then to university. Then cycling became a passion, and I started to ride seriously. I would head up into… Read more
Welcome to the Faith Trail Ministry Resource. This resource is designed to be used as an intergenerational ministry tool. Faith Trail Ministry is a powerful way to engage all members of your congregation in nurturing their faith and spiritual growth. Faith Trail Ministry offers an opportunity to bring God’s presence into the home and connect… Read more
If you look over your life, can you remember an adult that took the time to walk alongside you? Someone who took an interest in you. Maybe it was a youth leader or someone else in your congregation that encouraged you? Mentoring is important. At the most basic level, it guarantees that a young person… Read more
Woven Together is a wonderful resource designed to encourage home devotions for families with children of all ages. It is aimed to assist families to weave faith conversations and faith practices into their everyday life. We’ve asked some families and congregations to share with us how they have been using Woven Together. Perhaps an idea… Read more
RESOURCE HIGHLIGHT – Lutheran Worship book
Our Lutheran worship is full of meaning and purpose. Do we really understand why we do what we do and that the flow of worship is intentional? Have you ever wondered what INVOCATION means? Or how about ABSOLUTION? Why do we PASS THE PEACE? Or say the APOSTLES’ CREED? Order in worship has been there… Read more
RESOURCE HIGHLIGHT – Grow Disciples book
How are congregations helping form the faith of their young people? In the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA), and other denominations, the faith journey usually begins with parents bringing their children for infant baptism. Children can then attend a variety of children’s ministry programs, and in adolescence move into confirmation and youth ministry. But what… Read more