Celebrating Pentecost
Sunday 28 May we celebrate Pentecost! Pentecost Sunday closes the season of Easter. It is the celebration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the colour RED symbolises the fire associated with the coming of the Holy Spirit. We’ve put together some simple ideas to help your family celebrate. You could also do these… Read more
The world is constantly changing, there’s no denying it. One of the most significant changes is the ability to connect across the country, across continents, across the world. We can share our thoughts, opinion and faith across the world with ease. But with this incredible technology comes the pressures to be constantly connected as we… Read more
Grow Kids is a new resource designed to help you as you help to ‘grow kids’ in knowing Jesus and responding to his love through worship and service. Designed as a teaching curriculum, Grow Kids offers opportunities to tailor sessions to suit your audience. Menu items will help to provide your group with the best… Read more
The Christmas X-factor
In mathematics, X is used to represent an unknown value. The value of X depends on its place in a particular equation. For mathematicians, working with X in abstract algorithms is a common occurrence. For young children, the concept is too complex. It makes no sense to take X out of the alphabet and use… Read more
Biblical foundation for gifts and talents
Opportunities are given to discover and express gifts and talents. When Jesus sent out his disciples to share the Good News they used the gifts and talents they had received through the Holy Spirit. They were living out, and experiencing, God’s presence in and through them. This means every part of the body, regardless of… Read more
Grieving our families – the corporate lament
During one of our Grow Coaching days our theme was to discuss, brainstorm, and plan for Missional Faith Formation and how we could share the love of Jesus with the people in our local communities. However, I couldn’t help but notice that much of our conversation centred on our mission and ministry specifically to parents… Read more
Processing the pain
We all need different ways of making meaning from our experiences. When we share our struggles with others it helps us to process the emotions and feelings we are wrestling with. One practical way of doing that is to take time to share by writing out our feelings. Use the PROCESSING THE PAIN AND SEEKING… Read more
Bringing God into every day life through conversations
RESOURCE HIGHLIGHT – TALK TIME CARDS Children and young people need to hear the stories of faith from their fathers, mothers, grandparents, brothers, sisters, neighbours, and friends. Adults also need to hear the stories of those younger than themselves. Designed to provide opportunities for parents and other adults to have conversations with children about God’s… Read more
Caring for our young people during the tough times
It can feel really awkward relating to young people going through tough times. Often they feel very lonely because people avoid them ‘not wanting to interfere or meddle.’ Can you imagine what happens when everyone takes this view? No-one engages the young people in their pain! They often have some questions about what is going… Read more
How do we help when someone has one of those life-changing days?
When our friends or congregation members are in times of crisis, we are eager to help. But often when we call, we express our sympathy, and then say, “Please let me know what I can do!” Unfortunately, while the sentiment behind such a statement is good, the reality is that we’ve just added one more… Read more