The world is constantly changing, there’s no denying it. One of the most significant changes is the ability to connect across the country, across continents, across the world. We can share our thoughts, opinion and faith across the world with ease. But with this incredible technology comes the pressures to be constantly connected as we… Read more
Bringing God into every day life through conversations
RESOURCE HIGHLIGHT – TALK TIME CARDS Children and young people need to hear the stories of faith from their fathers, mothers, grandparents, brothers, sisters, neighbours, and friends. Adults also need to hear the stories of those younger than themselves. Designed to provide opportunities for parents and other adults to have conversations with children about God’s… Read more
Helping young people belong
When Grow Ministries began we developed ten guiding principles. They help to guide our efforts in creating effective practices that support our ministry to children, young people and their families. We refer to this as intergenerational ministry, as it requires the efforts of all generations and brings benefits to all generations. Do not be overwhelmed… Read more
Intergenerational Confirmation – one church’s journey
Intergenerational Confirmation – one church’s journey to involve the whole congregation in faith formation. One of the deep desires when embarking on a traditional program like Confirmation is that it will simply be the vehicle to bring people to a deeper and closer relationship with Jesus. The program is the catalyst to allow God’s love… Read more
Engaging our young people
RESOURCE HIGHLIGHT – GROW DISCIPLES While our Grow Disciples resource has been created with confirmation in mind it can also be used as a youth ministry tool. With engaging lessons, activities and resources included, you will find Grow Disciples can have a much wider reach than you first imagined. If you are looking for some… Read more
Supporting our young people
Mental illness amongst the young people in Australia appears to be on the rise. As ministry workers, it is important for us to be aware of the statistics that are both alarming and perhaps overwhelming.
Encouraging the faith of my teen through camp ministry
Camp, where God meets you, stretches and inspires you and transformation happens. Where faith is deepened through the mixture of meeting new people, hanging out with inspiring leaders who have a vibrant faith and living in a community with each other. Camp is a place where the presence of God can be felt in a… Read more
Biblical foundation for peer relationships
Faith formation is encouraged by building Christian relationships through quality age-specific ministry. God loves to speak into our lives. How might you create space to be with God and receive encouragement and strength as He speaks to you? Think about a Christian friend who encouraged you. What did they do that was significant? Can you… Read more
Encouraging peer relationships
Establishing an intergenerational community does not mean eradicating age-specific ministries. As important as it is to embrace intergenerational values, it is also important to keep that in balance with age-specific ministry. Research shows that age-specific ministry has not proven sustainable for ongoing faith transmission. This is particularly applicable among young adults who have grown up exclusively… Read more
Helpful tips for after camp
In many LCA districts around the nation mid-year Christian Life Weeks have begun or are about to , involving many campers, leaders and volunteers. As we’ve travelled around Australia to different congregations and certainly in our own experiences mentoring the young people in our congregations, often there is a “what happens after camp?” question.