Woven Together is a wonderful resource designed to encourage home devotions for families with children of all ages. It is aimed to assist families to weave faith conversations and faith practices into their everyday life.
We've asked some families and congregations to share with us how they have been using Woven Together. Perhaps an idea will resonate with you and your congregation.

At St Paul's Lutheran Church in Hahndorf, SA, we have a handful of families with small children who wanted to have a Sunday School that worked for their families. We looked at a number of options, choosing Woven Together as our basis for our intergenerational Sunday School. The program really is perfect for us! We meet once a month during the school year and have children ranging from babies to seven, with parents, friends and grandparents involved. The program is appropriate for all ages, is clear, and it is easy for any leader to use.
Marjorie | Volunteer leader | Hahndorf SA
Woven Together has a sheet for every month. On the sheet there are some questions on one side and a blessing and prayer on the other. These pages will take you through the Bible in just a year. We use them as a family devotion once a week. We sit on the couch and read them. But the best part is being with my family.
Julia (age 9) | Duncraig Lutheran Church WA

When I looked at Woven Together, I was excited. I thought what a great gift to assist our church families with their family faith time. As the year progresses, I look forward to hearing from our families how they use it and the conversations that come from it. Thank you Grow Ministries for continuing to produce resources of high quality.
Joanne | Family Ministry Coordinator | St Andrews Lutheran QLD
We gifted our Baptism families this wonderful new resource from Grow Ministries. We used the last class, held prior to the actual Baptismal day, to place this resource in parents/ care-givers hands. We explained what the resource is and offered suggestions about how it could be used. The simple monthly format provides a structure for families to follow as they engage in their important role of nurturing faith in their home.
Georgie | Family Support Coordinator | Good Shepherd Lutheran SA

Our family has been using the Woven Together devotions to start our days of home-schooling. We have found that each part sparks wonder and the questions begin to flow. “It sounds like a movie! Is God a man or a woman? How did the snake talk? God was WALKING in the garden! How is Noah so old? Why did God create bad people? Why didn’t God go back in time and fix his mistakes? How do dinosaurs fit in?”
As a parent, I have enjoyed many of the CREATE family suggestions. We have loved posting love heart notes on each other’s doors and having a Family Fun Night. Finding our Family Tree became a particularly memorable time. We headed off to the nursery and were a little overwhelmed. We discussed how God might have already picked the right plant for us... so we took it as a sign when suddenly Sam was stung by a bee from a nearby orange tree. That was to be our tree! Together we have nurtured our little tree and we can't wait for it to bear fruit.
Vicki | Home-schooling Mum | QLD
Faith practices are learned and practiced as they are woven seamlessly into the fabric of daily life. | John Roberto, Faith formation with a new generation.
Woven Together draws us into God’s big narrative by beginning at Genesis and continuing all the way to Revelation in one year.
By using Woven Together you will:
- Encounter a God who comes close to us, as he came close to the ordinary people in the Bible.
- Discover together that we are a lot like the people God has always loved and worked through.
- See how the weaving of God’s story of love and redemption is woven through the lives of the people in the Bible.
- Listen to the ways his story is also woven through our lives, in our families.
Woven Together is designed to be simple.
- A simple story to read.
- A prayer to say.
- A blessing to give.
- A rhythm to develop within the lives of those you love.
Once a week we encourage you to set aside a time for your family to join in the greatest story of all time, to listen to God’s story, his people and his plan and how we are part of that story and plan too.